Trade Show Recap: PA Flavor
This past weekend, we went to PA Flavor to see what was what in the world of distilleries, breweries and beer. Dubbed “the ultimate beer & food pairing,” this Harrisburg beer fest is the place to be if you want to know the up-and-comers in the industry.
Beer, wine and booze – oh my!
There were just about four dozen booze-makers on show, from local favorites like Troeg’s, Zeroday Brewing and Ever Grain Brewing Co to more nationally-recognized companies like Samuel Adams and Yuengling. It wasn’t just breweries, either. Distilleries like Tattered Flag and Midstate served up their own unique flavors of gin, rum and vodka.

Professional breweries and distilleries weren’t the only ones who showed up, either. Home brewers and hobbyists were represented by the Regional Harrisburg Area Brewers and the State College Home Brew Club.
If you’re more interested in the “food” part of the PA Flavor slogan, don’t worry. More than two dozen restaurants showed up, with foods ranging from burger bites to boneless wings.
Food on parade at PA Flavor
Booze not really your thing? A little under a third of the vendors that showed up to this beer fest were restaurants. Vendors advertised everything from sauces to biscuits, cheeses and dairy products.
The restaurants that came in were just as diverse: local favorites like Isaac’s and Arooga’s came with sandwiches and boneless wings. More recognizable chains like Red Robin came with burger bites and wraps.

Chains and established restaurants shared space with other, smaller shops, too. Hillbilly’s Jerky located along the back right wall had a line stretching into the main event space for the whole three hours that the event lasted. So too did Jak Jeckel Pepper Sauce. Other vendors included Three and a Half Peppers, Clover Creek Cheese Cellar and the Mushroom Farmers of PA.

Cigars and shirts and swag
If you wanted a cigar to go with your brew, you weren’t alone. The Caravan Cigar Company booth near the show entrance was packed with people. The line snaked around the booth for the majority of the show.
Cigars aren’t everyone’s thing, though. Plenty of other vendors showed up to cater to your swag needs. Wine and Beer SWAG of Greensburg had a center-area booth where they showcased items like can coolers, stealth cozies and t-shirts. They even had one that said “That’s what I do. I drink beer and I know things” – a riff on the famous quote from Tyrion Lannister in “Game of Thrones.”
Other apparel booths included Hop Hedz and their friends GK Visual, who showcased shirts and an apron as part of their advertising efforts for a documentary called “Poured in Pennsylvania,” all about the full story of the beer industry in the Keystone State, from Philadelphia to Erie.