When you or your company participate in a trade show, it provides you with an excellent avenue to showcase your products, introduce your services to prospective customers and network with other vendors or industry leaders. When you’re in a space that’s filled with hundreds of other vendors, it’s important to stand out because you’re all
You’ve probably heard of the five-second rule. You’ve probably heard of the five-second rule. It states that you can drop food on the ground and, if you pick it up within 5 seconds, you can eat it. Well, there’s also the three-second rule. Instead of grabbing food, the three-second rule says that you must grab
When it comes to advertising your products at a trade show, design retractable banners to use in your booth. It is one of the most important tools an exhibitor can have their kit when they go to a trade show. You might be wondering why: Put simply, they serve as fire-and-forget advertising. You can put
When it comes to design, “principle” can refer to: A way to lay down a design philosophy, both for user experience design and product design. With this definition in mind, let’s look at all the different principles of good design and apply it to designing custom banners. Principles for Good Elemental Design Regardless of what